The moment you insert some Rihanna music in your video, that video cannot be owned exclusively by you because you do not own the licensing rights to the music. So unless you pay for it, (way too much money!), you must create your own music, and most of us lack that particular talent, so then your only other choice is royalty free, and/or creative commons music. Using this type of music and in most cases crediting the artist, gives you the freedom to do what you want with your video. Of course there are varying degrees of common creative and ownership licenses, but usually the source of your music will provide you with details. Royalty free music when purchased does not even require credits, because you own the music once it is paid for. In this case you can even sell your video without issue. Youtube has sophisticated software embedded where they can troll for licensed music. Copyright music is flagged, you get a strike against your account with the possibility of having your video taken down. Continue reading →