Mediazone Operating hours for student check-out / check-in services:
Monday – Friday 10:00 – 20:45

Please see below the recommendations by the Health and Safety Office, University of Nicosia. Best Practices is a way to continue to develop and maintain safety and health standards.


 Safety first. Your health is above all else.
 Be respectful, kind and sensitive to others.
 Help other people to understand and follow the guidelines / protocols and procedures.

For the successful implementation of the Best Practices, the contribution of both the staff, the students and collaborators of the University of Nicosia is necessary.
The safety, and the management of the equipment, as well as the administration of the equipment is undertaken by Mediazone, University of Nicosia.



1. Users are suggested to keep physical distancing throughout the Mediazone facilities, unless directed for purposes of workshops / teaching by faculty – under supervision.
2. The use of mask within Mediazone facilities is suggested.
3. The transport and consumption of beverages and food on the premises of any Mediazone facility is strictly prohibited.
4. No access will be allowed for impromptu visits, public and external users. For planned visits please reach out to us here.



Please do not share equipment when it is in your possession. It is important to know that the equipment was handled only by you the original user – the person who made the reservation.
1. Mediazone will attempt to control its facilities traffic to avoid overcrowding areas. You might be asked to wait until you are specifically allowed to enter the area.
2. Students are encouraged to bring back equipment as soon as they have completed use. You may book a camera, but a camera may not be available at the time of pickup. We will attempt to notify you in advance if possible.
3. For both faculty and students, the pickup / drop off process might take longer than usual, so you are advised to leave enough time ahead.



Points through which a person can be infected with some known infectious diseases, such as the eyes and mouth, and are considered high risk, and will be given special attention during use.
1. Attempt to use ONLY CAMERA LCD SCREENS. No eyecups or eyepieces are recommended for use for any cameras.
2. Try to avoid any equipment exchange, to minimize the risk of cross contamination. Equipment should not be shared and operated in a group format in class. This should be kept to a minimum.
3. DO NOT try to clean or disinfect any equipment on your own under any circumstances.
4. NO HEADPHONES available in Mediazone – students must bring their own.
5. When microphones requested for check out, they can be supplied with disposable mic muffs in a plastic bag. Please throw away and do not return. Please ask your Studio assistant to provide you with one.
6. For all IN CLASS equipment use: The equipment will no longer stay in any studios – please bring all equipment back at the end of every class.
7. Photography peripheral equipment: Lights/tripods/gels etc. will need to be placed back into the storage room. The area needs to be left as it was found. Please be tidy and clean as this is a professional working environment used by many groups of people.



1. During periods of non-use of the rooms, the doors will remain open in order to provide faster and more efficient ventilation of the space. The air conditioner remains on.
2. Do not make constant adjustments to mic and mic arm in Audio / Radio lab. Set it and leave it.