Famelab 2013! A scientific experience!

I was sitting right here in the office of the Administrative Assistants at Mediazone when the Acting Head said: Did you see the poster? Are you going?

I just looked at him and I shook my head. “You’re going”, he said flatly, smiling. That’s how I got myself in Famelab. The deadline had already been extended so I took some time to think what my subject would be before I sent in my application.

Once I applied, I began thinking of ideas. I could hear the gears in my brain grinding , sparks firing up. I had to decide. I had to put my creativity in a presentable structure limited to three minutes. Three minutes! They last forever on the stage but pass by so quickly in front of you on the countdown timer. 30 seconds left! You gotta wrap it up! Don’t stop now… “seeing what’s essential that’s invisible to the eyes, just as the Little Prince learned from the Fox, in the colours of the rainbow while embracing the sun’s radiance all the way down to the deep ocean’s midnight zone where the sea devil of the female angler fish lures you close enough and the male falls a victim to her… sublime aroma and becomes… a parasitical pair of testis attached to her body.” Continue reading

At the heart of a table tennis player & coach


They are hand picked, highly trained and on many occasions multi talented; and when they graduate we are sorry to see them go. On the other hand we couldn’t be prouder!

Take Constantinos Christoudias for instance. He has been with us for just over 2 years. He was an exceptional assistant and an exceptional student. Little did we know that behind his warm “customer service” exterior smile, beat the heart of a true competitor. Constantinos is both a table tennis player and a coach. Continue reading