Erasmus Traineeships 2014 – Get involved!

The Erasmus Traineeship Program provides funding to students,  and recent graduates of the University of Nicosia to work for 2-12 months in an enterprise/organization in another European country. Traineeships can be recognized by the University and will contribute to your qualifications either in ECTS credits (usually recognition of internship course) or in the Diploma Supplement. In addition, graduates will be given a traineeship certificate for their participation. Students who kept themselves mobile throughout their studies have 25% more chances in being employed, in comparison with other non-mobile students.

An internship provides the student or graduate with practical work experience and a greater exposure to the global industry. Continue reading


Words can’t explain my overall experience at MediaZone. It has had its up and downs.  When first arriving to MediaZone I was happy, until I heard we will have very intensive training for one whole week. At that moment, I felt the pressure was on. I was a little intimidated because I didn’t know a lot of camera terminology. The only thought that was running through my mind was they are going to think American students are uneducated.  In reality MediaZone was my first practical course outside of group projects.

As time passed, I began to gain more confidence about learning and being comfortable with using a camera. Do I feel like I know everything there is about a camera? No, but I feel confident that I know enough that will help me to be ahead in my classes back in the United States. Continue reading