A Christmas in the Middle East
In this article I am going to share with you something that has no relation to technology or design. This winter I had the opportunity to spend my holidays in the Middle east. I saw and felt traditions and culture much different from the ones we have in Europe.
I spent my holidays in one of the fastest developing countries in the world over the last few years- Qatar. The country is located in west Asia occupying the small Qatar Peninsula. The neighbor countries of Qatar are Bahrain, Iran, United Arab Emirates.
I spent 2 weeks there. 2 weeks for which I managed or at least I tried to taste as much as I could from the Arabic world and culture. To be honest I didn’t know a lot about that country before I went there. I knew it is something like Dubai but a lot smaller. Well I was almost right about that. The city centre was like Hollywood for me. The giant buildings in American style, with all those fancy and shiny lights, and animations all over them managed to amaze me from the first day. Continue reading
One Billion Rising – UPCOMING!
Mediazone Volunteers consisting of staff, lab assistants and from our pool of casual volunteers were all at the Mall of Cyprus on Valentines Day for a very special cause!
1 Billion Rising shares the message “Rise for justice” supporting women around the world.
Mediazone is working hard to produce the video that documented a coordinated effort in the form of dance! Stay tuned to watch it all here on our blog!
In the meantime take a look at Mediazone in action!
Leave Color Effect
Last year I had a project on a course called Theory and Practice of Cinema. The lecturer wanted us to write a script and create a short film 5 to 10 minutes. At the beginning I had difficulties finding a topic, but with the help of the lecturer I decided to make a short film about me having trouble finding ideas for the project. Obviously it was a comedy, at least I tried. The way I thought that the flow of the story was going to be, was me talking to the camera saying what were the difficulties I faced and what were the Ideas I was changing all the time because of these difficulties. I have done the script and the production and the last step was the editing. I was trying to find effects that will help me keep the interest of the viewers so they won’t get bored. Looking around YouTube I found out an effect called ‘Leave Color Effect’ (Adobe Premiere Effect). This effect allows you to choose which colour you want on your video or picture and then makes all the others black and white. Most people refer to this effect as ‘The Sin City Effect’ because of the constant use of it at the actual Hollywood movie. This effect makes you focus on one colour of your screen showing you what is important on this image/video and what not. The way I wanted this effect to work in my case was similar to the sin city movie, keeping the interest of the viewers with a cool, unusual and amazing effect that everyone will wonder how this effect was added to the film. Well, to help some of you who want to use this effect I created a tutorial with Camtasia Studio 8. Hope you like it.
Andreas Papatheodoulou – TV / Audio MZ Lab Assistant
We all realize that we live in a decade that is mostly influenced by the power that the mass media possess. Nowadays, this is the most usual thing, but is it real? Of course it is. As years go by, people recognize the brain washing that they get by the media, and it’s more difficult for the media to keep brain washing.
So, if it is true, how do media still manage to exist? Have they stopped telling lies and started to focus on the truth? No, that’s not true at all! Media have their own purposes and goals that they strive to achieve in order to survive. So the mass media will always keep their best interests in mind, no matter what.
Has anyone been brainwashed lately? I don’t think so. I believe we have grown up brainwashed. How can I tell if any of the information I get from any means of media is true? The media is ran by people. People have feelings, ideas, weaknesses etc. I believe, we all can agree with that. When someone has a lot of media power, and this media is watched by millions of people, do they feel responsible? Do they remain committed to their ideal objectives, or do they exploit this power in order to gain more power or money? Continue reading