Getting your hands on professional equipment in Mediazone

Professional filming equipment can start off a little intimidating – at least, that’s how it felt for me. Before starting off at the University the closest experience I had to a camera was using my mum’s point and shoot which I used to make Windows Movie-Maker YouTube videos. Fast forward to my first year of university, and I’m suddenly holding a much heavier and much more expensive piece of equipment.

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Hello, my name is George, and I have been a studio assistant at Mediazone since September 2022. Officially being a part of Mediazone has made me feel like I was able to partake in a place that understands my creativity, and sharpens my skills all while helping me gain a multitude of experiences in my field. A few short weeks later, I got the chance to participate in my first event, where I was a camera operator for Music vibes 2022.

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Ever since joining the Mediazone family in January 2022, I knew this would be the start of a long, memorable and progressive journey. Right from the first interview, the words “commitment” and “team” made me believe that this was a place where I could hone my knowledge, sharpen my skills and gain priceless experience in the broad field of filmmaking.

Fitting in at Mediazone proved to be an easy transition, and I am glad to have taken up this opportunity. Hence, my colleagues have turned into treasured friends, advisors and ardent supporters.

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Deep thoughts about how Mediazone shapes you, and how you can use it in the Future.

I have always heard about Mediazone from lecturers who kept talking about the “audiovisual” hub of the university, and when I was picking up equipment from Mediazone for my classes I wanted to know what they did.

Soon I was able to join Mediazone and entering Mediazone was a new space for me, a different environment that I didn’t know about. However, through the training I did in Mediazone I was able to learn a large amount of information in a short period of time making me comfortable with the equipment.

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My Journey with Mediazone

Being in Mediazone has lent me experiences and skills I thought I couldn’t achieve. The first thing I learned when I entered Mediazone is that achievement and comparison aren’t with you and others, but it’s you versus yourself. This idea allowed me to see myself gradually increase in learning skills quicker and become more knowledgeable in what I know.

In my first year, I started as a volunteer in Mediazone. As a volunteer, you soak up all the information, trying to observe all the skills they teach you. It’s also the best time to dig in deep with all the equipment, which gives you more freedom to find your weak spots and work on them as much as you want. Being a volunteer helped me get a lot of advice from all the other Studio assistants around me, who helped me become comfortable with the environment and what could eventually be my responsibilities.

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What is team building in Mediazone?

By definition, team building is the process by which people who work together become a productive team.

Even though I am a new member in Mediazone, I can already say that the team building here is on a really advanced level. All those indoor and outdoor activities create a strong bond between the Mediazone team which keeps everything in great balance.

Activities that in my opinion have lots of teambuilding benefits, are of course the training sessions -where we learn for example about new technology, how to use equipment, edit – and handle events. These are group activities on the most part.

In contrast with other trainings that I have experienced in the past, Mediazone always finds the best and most effective ways to keep everyone’s attention, and actually lets us learn something new. Some other activities that help the team building process grow, are the events. We all communicate with each other professionally in order to get work efficiently done. That is something that keeps us close in both professional and personal level. I personally understood that even though we are all students, we have to acknowledge our limits and be strict judges of ourselves to progress.

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Change in Mediazone, 3 ways to improve Mediazone surroundings!

I believe that Mediazone is the perfect place to get firsthand experience on how film and video production works. It is a great environment to have alongside my studies and a place made up of hard working, passionate and amazing people.

But of course nothing in this world is perfect and Mediazone is no exception. Every semester we improve, becoming better and more efficient. But let’s talk about three things that would improve Mediazone even more. One could only dream…

One way to improve the Mediazone facilities and experience is to change the design of the facilities in order to enhance the creativity of students, lab assistants and administrators. The workplace means a lot to people. If they are exposed to a more interesting physical space, it could give them a feeling of happiness and excitement. As a result, people produce better work. To give an example; large companies like Google spend a lot of time and effort to make their offices look colorful, joyful and inspiring. This motivates people to enjoy their time while working and work more efficiently, as well as be more creative.

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Sometimes I feel that wherever I go or whatever I do, life purposely brings obstacles in my way. But there are some other times that I feel very lucky in my life. Mediazone is one of these cases, that makes me feel very lucky. Mediazone has been a great school for me. By thinking of myself, a year and a half ago, I could say that I am a different person now; the only things that are the same, in comparison to the past, are my memories and my ethics. My mentality has changed in a way that I couldn’t have even imagined. Now, I have a purpose in my life and many goals. This is very important for me, because I have dreams; In fact, “Think Big” is the moto of our university and it has been memorable to be. Even when I am sleeping, I see a big label having the Unic motto; and when I wake up I am not sure if I am dreaming or not. I can talk more about this dream of mine about that motto, a different time. Continue reading

How Mediazone Reshapes You

In my opinion, Mediazone (MZ) is not only the audio-visual hub of the University of Nicosia (UNIC) but also, it is my second home. Not only because I spend the majority of my time at Mediazone, but also because it is the place where I have been growing as a person and as a professional. Now, I am on my third academic year in UNIC and on my second year in Mediazone, as a student assistant. Therefore, I can say with confidence that I am more than glad that I decided to join the crew.

I am studying Digital Communications and Mass Media, concentration Film and Creative Media Production (BA). I find the theoretical and the practical courses of the university interesting, helpful and important. However, I personally believe that they are not enough. Practice and experience are also essential. Mediazone offers this opportunity: to practically use on a daily basis the knowledge that we get from our university courses. In fact, during the semester, we participate in multiple events where we are important members of the production with positions such as Director, Scriptwriter, Camera Operator, Director of Photography, Production Assistant, Gaffer, Editor etc.

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TEDx University of Nicosia 2019: my first big event as a member of Mediazone team

Hello! I am Eleni Themistocleous and I am a Psychology student at University of Nicosia. I’ve been a student assistant for 6 to 7 months now, and also serving as a Production Manager here at Mediazone.

Mediazone gave me the big opportunity to participate at a big event, TEDx University of Nicosia 2019, which was the first big event I was participating in as a member of Mediazone.

Although, for me it was more than that.  The reason is that TEDx talks came my way a long time before I became a part of Mediazone’s team. I discovered them on YouTube and since then they have given me so much inspiration and motivation but also they changed my way of thinking in many fields. So when I learned that Mediazone is covering this event, I was very excited and I couldn’t wait for it.

The time passed quickly, the organization for the event started and finally, the day of the event came.  At this event, my position was, Script Supervisor of the event. The main task of being a script supervisor is to create a detailed script, which would indicate and confirm everything that is happening at any point of the event like for example, the time people needed to be on stage, light, video and audio cues and of course the flow of the entire event. Furthermore, I had to be in constant communication to support the Stage Manager.

Through this whole experience and especially during the day of the event, I learned many important things: I developed and improved my ability to multitask, to maintain attention to detail, to be patient, to solve problems by suggesting solutions and to work under pressure calmly and efficiently. I also understood in a more practical way that in order to be successful you need to be dedicated and to work hard. In addition, I experienced what means to be professional at your job position.

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