The world of 3D

3d image design – Constantinos Christoudias

As technology evolves so does software . You’ve probably noticed that the most successful movies that recently came out are 3D movies (3d modelling). In addition 3D games are becoming the only option of gamers nowadays.

Have you ever wondered how the 3D movies are done? Have you ever asked yourself who is designing and who is putting together this entire stuff? Have you ever found yourself saying “WOW this is incredible and it looks so real”. Continue reading

The joy of DIY

For most people who are enthusiastic about video production it may not come as a shock to know that it is one of the most expensive fields to get into as an independent. Equipment is not cost effective at all as the rate of technology change and turnover is high. Continue reading

“That Summer”

Ant1’s new television drama series called ‘That Summer’ started airing on TV this October. Its story is based on the tragic events that happened in Cyprus in 1974. Its aim seems to be to show people the pain, suffering and struggle the tragic events triggered throughout the life of a 7 year old girl that had to live through it and unfortunately was left without a father. She is reminded of the Turkish invasion every year on the 20th of July when she hears the civil defence sirens, and this is where her story begins. It is a very emotional series that awakens the past for many Cypriots that lived through those events but it also recreates events for many Cypriots who were not yet born when they actually happened. Continue reading

It’s all about the customer service!

“I’d like to think that customer service is only an extension of  how we treat each other”, the Acting Head of  Mediazone said during the training of all new and old lab assistants last month. It sounded about right. Continue reading

My Fall Semester 2012 – A success story!

The fall semester finally started a few weeks ago. You may wonder why this semester is so different than all the others and why I am writing about it.

Well for me the whole year is going to be different. Usually here at Unic you are allowed to have 5 courses per semester unless you are in your final year, then you can have 6, and according to everyone with that amount of work it is very hard, especially in the Law Department. Apart from that you need  quite a high GPA in order to be entitled to have an extra course. Continue reading

The Student Success Centre is ready to help!

Student success is everyone’s responsibility. As part of a larger social ecosystem we want students to succeed both now and later on in life. We want to be the stepping stones that help them across the fast moving river of critical decisions during their academic life, and even beyond.

There isn’t a better feeling than knowing you have the full support of staff and instructors behind you 100%. It promotes student self confidence and lowers stress levels resulting in a better student experience. Mediazone supports the Student Success Centre and all of its positive efforts! Help spread the “social word”! Continue reading

Camera Reservations – Officially online!

Mediazone has once again proven that offering online services for students has multiple benefits. It is convenient, fast, organized, efficient and the best way to limit your ecological footprint, both as an individual and an organization.

With a custom programming set-up to support specific parameters and policies the system was built from the ground up. It couldn’t be simpler! Each student has their own profile and can keep track of all their reservations in a glance. Email reminders are sent to students for every booking as a confirmation. Continue reading