No man is an island unto himself

Quote by: John Donne (1572-1631)

Hello and welcome back!

Spring semester is up & running!!

The Spring Semester is upon us and with it comes improvements. Mediazone – University Of Nicosia is always trying to improve its services, so that students like you have the best possible experience while taking practical courses. We are here to support you. Continue reading

The results are in!

With the launch of the new Mediazone student website many features such as the audio / radio online reservations were still in beta mode. This did not stop the traffic that occurred over the semester. Students and internet users were visiting the Mediazone website for one reason or another. We encourage all University staff, & students to use the website as a tool. We view it a bit like the Swiss army knife of information. It has everything you need to get students through their practical courses in the Communications Department as well as its promotional features, such as: Handbooks, facility & equipment descriptions & the courses related to them, uploaded student work & much more! Below is the breakdown for the past semester:


COMM  116 Audio Production (section 01)

By: Angela Stephanou

The student prepared a Public Service Announcement. Her goal was to change/affect the public’s attitude and finally sensitize the public to the notion of drinking & driving.