“The Power of an Educated Girl”

Can you count how many times you’ve heard from people that education for women is just a formality? I remember my friend saying that education for her is just a tick in a to do list. I could not believe that a girl who lived in a well-developed country with thousands of opportunities around her could say something like that. As for me, education was always one of the most important things in my life, and I could not imagine that there are some people without any education at all.
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There’s a bit of a hype going on in the internet world about humanoid sex robots. See this article from the Telegraph and their potential role in society. I believe such projects aim to distract audiences from the real essence of technology and science. Furthermore, the example of the artist Neil Harbison, who was born completely color blind and has been using a device attached to his head that turns color into audible frequencies is a positive application. However, I think he misuses the word Cyborg, which originated in the 60s. Replacing a body part or organ does not make you a Cyborg or a machine-like creature, such misused words and concepts are evidently creating Technophobia for the majority of us.
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If you want to work as a journalist, tweet!!

Recently, we had a conversation in my class about journalism stress during “on air” Radio Broadcast, and because of the  discussion we had, I would like to share with you a small ‘tip’.

The lecturer said “When I have “on air” Radio Broadcast, I have my iPad switched on and logged in Twitter and Facebook.” We asked him why we need to check the updates on Facebook and Twitter. The answer we got, shocked us!
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Virtual Time Travel

Time travel might be possible in a few years! Forget about doing 88mph in a DeLorean. With web mapping services such as Google Maps and by using virtual reality software and hardware, one might be able to travel back in time.
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«Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of any corresponding external sound» – British Tinnitus Association

1 in 10 people in the UK suffer from Tinnitus, a condition in one or both ears or in the head when pressure changes from the interior ear are caused by intense exposure to loud sounds for example in clubs or gigs. This phantom sound is not there nor generated by any source sound system around your body. It happens unexpectedly as you might be sitting around people, when you suddenly hear nothing but a pure steady tone or ringing/high-pitched whining, electric buzzing, humming or whistling sounds in the background. Some auditory examples can be found on the Nottingham Hearing Biomedical Research Unit. Continue reading

One academic year at MediaZone University of Nicosia

My first training at Mediazone was on September, which lasted 5 hours for five days.  The job I had to do was to learn all about the equipment of Mediazone,the rules and regulations and how to serve customers (students) appropriately.  After the training finished, the schedule was ready with the days and hours we had to work, mine had 10 hours per week of work.
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Park in Progress

On the 5th of October, the EU Transciplinary Arts and Circus program «Park In Progress» took place in our city’s municipal gardens, locally organised by Artos Foundation.

Tomash Ghzegovsky performed in this festival, creating a dream-like ambience for his audience, moving us into the inner world of plants through sound, a very unique performance in my opinion. I wanted to know more about the technology behind his artistic experiment so I went ahead and asked him a couple of questions:
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