Proper use of a computer

Recently I went to the hospital to make some general analyses due to some dizziness and weaknesses I had.  Before I went to the hospital, what came into my mind was that I most probably had problems with my iron and haemoglobin count since I had these kind of problems in previous years when I was younger.  When I did the analyses,   I had a conversation with my doctor, and he told me that there was no problem with the iron or haemoglobin so we tried to find out what exactly I had.

We finally reached the following conclusion, the problem was my seated position when I was using the computer – it was totally improper, so due to this fact I would like to give you some tips about the right positions when using computer. Continue reading

COMM -117 VIDEO PRODUCTION – Love this course

The video production course is part of the “Radio and Tv” section from the “Communications” studies and it’s a practical course. In this course you will have to learn clearly 2 things: the PD170 camera and Avid, a computer programme to edit video. I believe that for students who are interested in video, cameras, those that want to be a director, camera person, editor, it is a great choice to add this course to their path. We have the first contact with the equipment and how they are working. I helped myself with this course and generally it is very interesting because we have to do video productions in groups. Usually the lecturer makes groups (4 students) so everyone has a responsibility like camera person, director A, director B and model.

As a result, in my opinion another one benefit from this course is the opportunity to work in groups and have as a small experience how the professionals work! Do not miss this course, it’s interesting and at the University of Nicosia, & the level is high!! Continue reading

Fetes des Lumieres – The Lyon Lights Festival

The celebration of  the Virgin Mary is held once a year in Lyon in a very magical and beautiful way. A celebration that begins on the 6th of December and lasts for four days takes the breath away of everyone who is lucky enough to witness it. The Lyon Lights Festival, otherwise known to the French as Fête des Lumières is the combination of continuous lighting and video effects, visual arts and creative audio features  that are displayed all around Lyon in a very spectacular and beautiful way. It’s as if the whole city turns into a canvas and all the buildings, historic and new, all the people, roads, bus stops, water fountains and so much more of what the city is made of becomes a continuously changing art work represented by lights. It’s almost like walking into a fairytale of lights, where giant figures of people move from one building to the other, where the unexpected can be expected. Continue reading


It was Tuesday and my first day at the University of Nicosia. My first lesson was “Introduction to Communication Studies”. When we started analysing the first chapter, the lecturer started with this sentence: “A human is born to communicate, we don’t have other choice because nobody can’t afford the loneliness”.

So from this simple opinion, I started thinking “What about racism?”. Automatically I remembered a subject that we did when I was a student in high school about the Second World War. The main point that we easily understood from this remarkable chapter of world history, is that hatred generated by the German 3rd Reich was rooted in the inability to accept differences, like colour, religion, origin, people with handicaps etc. The end of this horrible situation was the deliberate death of 6 million people. Continue reading

The Omcopter

The Drones are among us! In reality & fiction film!

Have you ever thought that your camera can fly? That with a remote controller you can direct your camera and take video footage from the sky?

For many years film-makers have tried to achieve the effect of shooting from an actual helicopter without using one, and most of the time this resulted in broken cameras or at least lens.  Not everyone has the budget to include a giant crane or a flying machine as a technical part of his production. Nowadays there is a solution, for all this crazy attempts to be achieved natural flying movement of the camera. A German company has developed a device called the “Omcopter”. Continue reading

Light Sensor Examination and Comparison Study of the Human Retina and of a Professional Cinema Camera’s CMOS Sensor

In this study, the image resolution of the human eye and of a professional cinema camera have been examined and compared based on the surface area and density of the light receptors in both the human retina and in the CMOS digital imaging sensor. Based upon our comparisons, the conclusion that was drawn reveals that the image the human eye perceives has a higher resolution than that of current technology of state-of-the-art professional cinema cameras. Continue reading

Being A Radio Producer

Being a radio presenter, producer or even a DJ at a radio station was just a dream job for many people a few years ago.

Today, thanks to the Internet  any user can be a radio producer even if it is not professionally at a studio. I remember 10 years ago, when I came to Cyprus I used to go to internet cafés to check my e-mail or talk to friends or surf the Internet, however today we have internet access almost everywhere. You might ask how this can be related to my subject. Well the real meaning of transmitting has changed by the invention of online Radio. That is, every single internet user can be a radio presenter, producer or even DJ and transmit the content digitally online. Nevertheless the real feeling of being in a professional radio station is still different. Continue reading

Facebook – staying social, I like it…….

Facebook nowadays has invaded our daily activities and generally our lives.  For more information about it’s creation click on:

It’s no coincidence that millions of people spend so much time on Facebook.  Personally, I spend more than the half of my free time on it.   It can provide several things, such as free communication with people around the world, especially for people who have relatives in other countries like me.  Another thing that Facebook provides is, that you can add all of your friends and also learn new things through the posts of articles or pictures that you can share with them.  Moving on, another function of Facebook is the games that it includes, my favourite one lately is Candy Crash, which also attracts many people. You can also, spend your free time chatting with friends, uploading pictures of yourself and your friends. Continue reading



When it seems that the current generation of consoles is slowing down ,and while the same companies seem to be throwing their weight towards the generation that follows, leaving the old consoles on autopilot –  everybody is getting excited by PS4, XBOXONE and even STREAMBOX (future 2014 consoles-that will set the direction of the industry in the following 10 years). It’s this console generation’s last hurrah. Rockstar,a multinational video game developer and publisher, made a big surprise, releasing Grand Theft Auto V (5) in this generation.
GTA (Grand Theft Auto V) uses its own custom physics engine -it is a sandbox game played from a third point view.

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My student experience! A busy semester at University of Nicosia

Fall 2013,  lessons started on the 30th of October.

I was very excited about my new start since it is my 2nd year! The courses that I have selected this semester are Video Production and Multimedia which are practical courses, Newswriting , Film and Public Relations Methods which are theoretical courses. Lets not forget Mediazone Lab Assistant Training!

The first 2 weeks, professors gave us an introduction about the subjects, showed us the themes, the equipment and actually what is going to follow this semester. At the end of October we had our first midterm. The material that the teacher examined us on was based on understanding the first steps of the introduction, which was easy. At the same time, we had to submit 2 essays in one week (2 different lessons). Continue reading