The joy of DIY

For most people who are enthusiastic about video production it may not come as a shock to know that it is one of the most expensive fields to get into as an independent. Equipment is not cost effective at all as the rate of technology change and turnover is high. Continue reading

“That Summer”

Ant1’s new television drama series called ‘That Summer’ started airing on TV this October. Its story is based on the tragic events that happened in Cyprus in 1974. Its aim seems to be to show people the pain, suffering and struggle the tragic events triggered throughout the life of a 7 year old girl that had to live through it and unfortunately was left without a father. She is reminded of the Turkish invasion every year on the 20th of July when she hears the civil defence sirens, and this is where her story begins. It is a very emotional series that awakens the past for many Cypriots that lived through those events but it also recreates events for many Cypriots who were not yet born when they actually happened. Continue reading

It’s all about the customer service!

“I’d like to think that customer service is only an extension of  how we treat each other”, the Acting Head of  Mediazone said during the training of all new and old lab assistants last month. It sounded about right. Continue reading