Vines? What’s up with them?

If you have a Facebook account, or a Twitter, or  if you have just logged into any social network site in the last five months I’m quite sure that you’ve seen one of those Vines videos.

If you haven’t,  just log again into your social network account and I guarantee you that in your news feed there will be more than one vine for you.

Vines are humoristic short videos (mostly 3 to 7 seconds) that anyone can post on the internet, and may be the laugh of the day for many viewers. Vine is a mobile app owned by Twitter. It can be downloaded to all Android and iOS platforms. In order to create a vine you had to open the application and shoot a vine from your camera. Now vines evolved and they may come from more detailed cameras, and may also be edited.  Vines became popular so quickly that now it’s an everyday hobby for the creators because of their everyday viewers. Also, vines had their television time by Dunkin Donuts who was the first company to use a single Vine as an entire advertisement. Continue reading

How to Achieve a Good Panoramic Photo!

Have you ever asked yourself how the photographers manage to catch beautiful landscapes with  great detail?

But every time you try it, there is something missing. It happens many times to me. Either my photos were overexposed, lacking of details, or in most of the cases  I just couldn’t find the reason for my failure. One day I just sat in front of my computer and started a small research on this topic. What I found was that there are a certain techniques or even “secrets” for a successful panoramic image. I would like to share them with you and save you some extra time surfing the internet. Continue reading