
It was Tuesday and my first day at the University of Nicosia. My first lesson was “Introduction to Communication Studies”. When we started analysing the first chapter, the lecturer started with this sentence: “A human is born to communicate, we don’t have other choice because nobody can’t afford the loneliness”.

So from this simple opinion, I started thinking “What about racism?”. Automatically I remembered a subject that we did when I was a student in high school about the Second World War. The main point that we easily understood from this remarkable chapter of world history, is that hatred generated by the German 3rd Reich was rooted in the inability to accept differences, like colour, religion, origin, people with handicaps etc. The end of this horrible situation was the deliberate death of 6 million people. Continue reading

Facebook – staying social, I like it…….

Facebook nowadays has invaded our daily activities and generally our lives.  For more information about it’s creation click on:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook.

It’s no coincidence that millions of people spend so much time on Facebook.  Personally, I spend more than the half of my free time on it.   It can provide several things, such as free communication with people around the world, especially for people who have relatives in other countries like me.  Another thing that Facebook provides is, that you can add all of your friends and also learn new things through the posts of articles or pictures that you can share with them.  Moving on, another function of Facebook is the games that it includes, my favourite one lately is Candy Crash, which also attracts many people. You can also, spend your free time chatting with friends, uploading pictures of yourself and your friends. Continue reading