Mediazone Student website statistics for the Spring semester – Making its way around the world!

Spring Semester Stats – Fresh from Google!

It is hard to believe that next month our student website will be 2 years old. In that time it has grown from being a basic information site to an incredible tool for all students taking practical courses in the Department of Communications. Not only have we improved, tweaked and tinkered under the hood, but we have added “can’t live without” tools such as all of our operation manuals in pdf – including the hard to find ones. Students are using our handbooks, useful links, booking their cameras and facilities, all from the comfort of their own homes. It truly is a “one stop shopping site”,  a “megamart” of sorts. Or maybe a really cool “Swiss army tool-kit”,  where you can quickly find the right tool, & pretty well everything you need to survive throughout the semester.  Continue reading

Cyprus Android Apps

Cy appsIf you are an  Android user  and you are looking for apps to make your life easier, the best place to search for the apps is in Google’s Play Store.Most of the applications in Play Store are available in Cyprus, but as a Cypriot I support Cyprus applications.If you search in Play Store “Cyprus” or “Cyprus apps” it will show you all the Cyprus Android applications that have been created. Continue reading