At the heart of a table tennis player & coach


They are hand picked, highly trained and on many occasions multi talented; and when they graduate we are sorry to see them go. On the other hand we couldn’t be prouder!

Take Constantinos Christoudias for instance. He has been with us for just over 2 years. He was an exceptional assistant and an exceptional student. Little did we know that behind his warm “customer service” exterior smile, beat the heart of a true competitor. Constantinos is both a table tennis player and a coach. Continue reading

Vote for me!!

As some of you may know I am a table-tennis athlete, and a Mediazone Lab Assistant. I created a Table-Tennis Video for an ITTF contest. As a student the 1st place cash prize will be extremely helpful. In order to promote my video I decided to create a blog entry for Mediazone. Please watch my video! Continue reading