Mediazone Supports the “Feel Good Festival 2013”


Mediazone will be there!

Mediazone Lab Assistants and staff will be volunteering their time at a booth for the Festival. “Mediazone Speakers Corner” – video booth – will be there so you can come on down and record a brief message. Come tell us about how you feel about the festival, what you are up to around campus, or even a message of hope. Continue reading

Mediazone Volunteer makes Graduation truly something special…

Isaac is a “Special community volunteer”. His mother approached us early on to have Isaac volunteer at Mediazone. After University consent Isaac joined the Mediazone team for the production of Graduation week. His contribution was invaluable. At the age of 15 he is on a tremendous learning curve that shows no sign of slowing down, much less going anywhere but up! It was our pleasure to have him as part of the team & encourage his efforts! Continue reading