Film project funding for the 21st Century! From student films to indie – Crowdfunding!

Recently I have engaged in Crowd funding a number of projects on various crowd funding websites. It is a phenomenon that seems to have caught on in the recent worldwide economic climate. It is a bit like engaging in low risk investment for start ups on a tiny scale.  Its basically getting the whole wide world to contribute a little bit of money to get a project off the ground. This has caught on like wildfire! Continue reading

Christmas! What does it really mean to us?

Due to the imminent Christmas break I have decided to write an article about Christmas celebrations but using a different approach this time.

What is the first thing that comes to one’s mind when thinking about Christmas? Let me answer to that. Clothes, shoes, x-box, i-phones, playstation, discounts and generally stuff that someone should spent a lot in order to have them, which of course are considered as luxuries.

Is that what is Christmas all about??? Buying staff we don’t need in order to impress???

I’m afraid consumerism changed our reality and made us act like someone else that we are not. Continue reading

COMM course – Music Tv is in full swing!

Get ready to dance!

After some arduous work in the field and listening to the rhythms of the House Music scene students are back in the studio! Students from the Communications Department course 417 are once again collaborating with Mediazone & Music Tv to produce an on air show. You guessed it – their topic is House Music in Cyprus!

It’s not everyday you feel the sting of the pressure that comes from producing ‘live on air’. The road ahead entails a lot of editing and hard work. The crew is up for the challenge! We look forward to seeing the first draft! Continue reading

Fetes des Lumieres – The Lyon Lights Festival

The celebration of  the Virgin Mary is held once a year in Lyon in a very magical and beautiful way. A celebration that begins on the 6th of December and lasts for four days takes the breath away of everyone who is lucky enough to witness it. The Lyon Lights Festival, otherwise known to the French as Fête des Lumières is the combination of continuous lighting and video effects, visual arts and creative audio features  that are displayed all around Lyon in a very spectacular and beautiful way. It’s as if the whole city turns into a canvas and all the buildings, historic and new, all the people, roads, bus stops, water fountains and so much more of what the city is made of becomes a continuously changing art work represented by lights. It’s almost like walking into a fairytale of lights, where giant figures of people move from one building to the other, where the unexpected can be expected. Continue reading

Πρόσκληση σε σεμινάρια

Η Ένωση Σκηνοθετών Κινηματογράφου – Τηλεόρασης μέσα στα πλαίσια της συνεχούς επιμόρφωσης, πραγματοποιεί δύο σεμινάρια για τον Κινηματογράφο. Continue reading