Why You Should Join The Communications Society! It’s Not Too Late, Join Us Tomorrow!

As a Communications student and a Mediazone Lab Assistant, I have come to realize how many opportunities we can create for ourselves here at the University of Nicosia but for some reason no one is attempting to do so which is why it all changes here!

At the beginning of the semester a fellow student/lab assistant and myself came up with one idea, to bring the Communications Society back to life. Our mission is to create a 5 minute show with announcements, news, updates, reminders and in general entertainment related topics, all to do with the University. Continue reading

The Golden Watch or just a mid Spring day in May?

It was  a mid Spring day in May when I saw the orange painted walls of Mediazone for the first time. Orange painted walls with black drawings like a midnight dream… “tv monitors” for hills, “film” rivers, “microphone” trees, “digital” sea, “battery” bees, “speaker” clouds and floating cities – creativity and imagination like the very water and sunlight needed to grow life; “cheers!”

Reach the top of tape and monitor hills  and E. and I go back into dreams of history . Talking about beta cam video formats, travel and mathematics: I am enthusiastic to learn another way to build my reality, I feel like a child. Walking down the hill I listen through the speakers a lab assistants voice; Nader’s voice and music, something like jazz words came up on my mind: “if it sounds good and feels good, then it is good!” At a  certain point I found Andreas shooting video everywhere.  I thought what interesting eyes! Let’s see. He notices all the details, and that is good to discover a little pleasure of  life too. Imagination and moving things move Hystrian’s hands flying around the blue sky in editing. Sometimes he seems he get lost in the digital world. I like the dreamer that way too.

Little Andreas looking all around tells  me Fabrizio where are we? I don’t know but with time and courage we will find the way to come out of this trip. Meanwhile Giota and Lucia finally find me and argue that they are too busy for play, and me, I stare as a child. But their smiling eyes are too big and full of energy so I understood they were joking with me. Continue reading

What is Kinetic Typography?


Have you ever watched a whole music video consisting of letters? Literally only words flying around the screen, but made in a such way that it’s actually very cool?

Well this kind of motion graphics is called “kinetic typography”. I got very inspired by this kind of art lately and that’s why I would like to share some helpful information with you. Continue reading

The Distance Learning IT department Proudly Present the Unic Application!

Just like me, you  also may have seen posters around University advertising the new Unic Application. When I first saw it I thought it was a brilliant idea since most of us have learned and have gotten used to having everything we need on our phone. Our phones have become a part of our daily lives and we always have them on us. They are not only our phones but they have become our personal mail man, our entertainment at times of boredom, our computer, basically they’ve become a customized piece of technology  that suits each and everyone’s personal need.

“The Distance Learning IT Unit, in line with IT trends and student needs, has developed the first in-house mobile application for the University. The app, is now available on Windows Store, Google Play and App Store, its aim is to simplify everything you need to know about the University of Nicosia.” Taken from Gregoris Vishnumolakala article for Unic magazine.

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Harlem Shake @ UNic! Student Initiative!

On March 20th 2013, students of the University Of Nicosia

took part in a fun production of a UNic Harlem Shake video at the open amphitheater. It wasn’t something you get to see every day and we definitely stole the interest of other students. Some watched and others participated, it’s positive that we broke the way of the daily routine. Special thanks to MediaZone, Stefan Colton (opening performer) and everyone who was a part of this Harlem Shake! Hopefully students in the future will also be encouraged to take similar initiative. Encourage Creativity !


Julia Antoniou –  Tv / Audio MZ Lab Assistant

What is compositing in cinematography?


Have you ever watched a movie with breathtaking landscapes, gorgeous castles or giant buildings in the middle of nowhere that makes you ask yourself “How did they do that?” . Well there is a technique in video editing called “Compositing” which allows you to do that. In fact compositing has grown so much during the last few years, that it is accepted to be not only a technique but a whole new kind of art. Continue reading

At the heart of a table tennis player & coach


They are hand picked, highly trained and on many occasions multi talented; and when they graduate we are sorry to see them go. On the other hand we couldn’t be prouder!

Take Constantinos Christoudias for instance. He has been with us for just over 2 years. He was an exceptional assistant and an exceptional student. Little did we know that behind his warm “customer service” exterior smile, beat the heart of a true competitor. Constantinos is both a table tennis player and a coach. Continue reading

Cyprus Android Apps

Cy appsIf you are an  Android user  and you are looking for apps to make your life easier, the best place to search for the apps is in Google’s Play Store.Most of the applications in Play Store are available in Cyprus, but as a Cypriot I support Cyprus applications.If you search in Play Store “Cyprus” or “Cyprus apps” it will show you all the Cyprus Android applications that have been created. Continue reading

Apple new line up

After Steve Job’s passing, Apple went all the rage these days with new and more colourful products in its line that ‘revolutionizes’ the conservative image Apple used to have over the years. Maybe it has something to do with Jonathan Ives stepping up in  as the lead designer of Apple. As far as I can recall the last person being head of design in Apple products was Steve Jobs. I believe that this will change Apple’s image as we know it forever. Also I believe that we are going to see some more ‘aggressiveness’ in the time cycle of new products that come out. This will get them into the more competitive aspect of the market than just being independent as a company and being isolated by themselves and have them expand into more sectors and hopefully drag more people into the Apple ecosystem.

Fotis Erotokritou – Mediazone Tv & Avid Lab – Lab Assistant