“The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.” – Edward Koch
Bodyprints 2015
If you missed the Body Prints event live!!
Time to get famous! Power of the Band!!
Can you feel it? The Power of the Band! Can you feel the rush of performing live, of getting radio airplay, of getting your own music video? This is all possible this Spring with the most amazing contest to ever hit the airwaves in Cyprus! Are you a single power vocalist accompanied by an instrument or a five piece Rock band? You may be eligible.
Make your own band, create and submit your own song and participate in URadio’s challenge THE POWER OF THE BAND. The winning band will get to make their own professional music video worth up to €10.000 and promote their band. Keep reading for details!

Cooking Cypriot style! – Μαγειρεύω Κυπριακά!
Something is in the air again; can you guess? It’s been a year already and we all miss it! The taste of local food, the frantic cooking in the kitchens, and an atmosphere that is truly Cypriot!
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Fetes des Lumieres – The Lyon Lights Festival
The celebration of the Virgin Mary is held once a year in Lyon in a very magical and beautiful way. A celebration that begins on the 6th of December and lasts for four days takes the breath away of everyone who is lucky enough to witness it. The Lyon Lights Festival, otherwise known to the French as Fête des Lumières is the combination of continuous lighting and video effects, visual arts and creative audio features that are displayed all around Lyon in a very spectacular and beautiful way. It’s as if the whole city turns into a canvas and all the buildings, historic and new, all the people, roads, bus stops, water fountains and so much more of what the city is made of becomes a continuously changing art work represented by lights. It’s almost like walking into a fairytale of lights, where giant figures of people move from one building to the other, where the unexpected can be expected. Continue reading
At the heart of a table tennis player & coach
They are hand picked, highly trained and on many occasions multi talented; and when they graduate we are sorry to see them go. On the other hand we couldn’t be prouder!
Take Constantinos Christoudias for instance. He has been with us for just over 2 years. He was an exceptional assistant and an exceptional student. Little did we know that behind his warm “customer service” exterior smile, beat the heart of a true competitor. Constantinos is both a table tennis player and a coach. Continue reading
Great opportunity! CCMC’s Video Boot Camp: A six-week crash course in Lighting, Camera & Editing
CCMC’s Video Boot Camp:
A six-week crash course in Lighting, Camera & Editing
Every Wednesday evening from 6-9pm between 24 October and 28 November 2012. At the Cyprus Community Media Centre, Nicosia
The Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) is providing a valuable opportunity for civil society to learn the basics in video production and editing with this six-week course (leaflet here). In cooperation with trainers from Ze’dem Media, the course will equip you with a solid foundation in the process of making documentary-style videos and the technical aspects of camera operation, sound, lighting and editing.
Entry is FREE but registration is essential. Click here to register now as places are limited!