Hugo Olivos – Mediazone Tv – Lab Assistant 2009 – 2011

Hugo Olivos was one of our Mediazone Lab Assistants who finished his Masters in Communications here at the University of Nicosia. 2010 – 2012. Hugo is a Unic Alumnus with music on his mind! Although he originates from Mexico his heart is here in Cyprus. His wife, band and the children that he teaches music to part time are all integral parts of his life. No matter where he is he breathes and lives drumming and metal music. Apart from his drummer “secret identity”, Hugo is just the nicest guy. He displayed “customer service” skills, and an easy going personality, was adept at everything and had that winning smile!

We wish you luck & fame! Our door is always open! And we will follow your music career. We are here for whatever you may need, even if it’s just someone to “Rock out” with you! Continue reading

EURO Shorts : A Unique Short Film Competition open to New Filmmakers across Europe

The European Travel Commission is seeking a talented new filmmaker with the vision and verve to create an inspirational short film which promotes Europe as a tourism destination to the rest of the world. If you dream of travelling across Europe and making a great film, this is your opportunity!

So what are you waiting for?! Deadline is May 13th  – click on the picture to find out more on the guidelines, practical information, terms and conditions and how to apply!!! Continue reading

Mediazone Supports the “Feel Good Festival 2013”


Mediazone will be there!

Mediazone Lab Assistants and staff will be volunteering their time at a booth for the Festival. “Mediazone Speakers Corner” – video booth – will be there so you can come on down and record a brief message. Come tell us about how you feel about the festival, what you are up to around campus, or even a message of hope. Continue reading

Harlem Shake @ UNic! Student Initiative!

On March 20th 2013, students of the University Of Nicosia

took part in a fun production of a UNic Harlem Shake video at the open amphitheater. It wasn’t something you get to see every day and we definitely stole the interest of other students. Some watched and others participated, it’s positive that we broke the way of the daily routine. Special thanks to MediaZone, Stefan Colton (opening performer) and everyone who was a part of this Harlem Shake! Hopefully students in the future will also be encouraged to take similar initiative. Encourage Creativity !


Julia Antoniou –  Tv / Audio MZ Lab Assistant

At the heart of a table tennis player & coach


They are hand picked, highly trained and on many occasions multi talented; and when they graduate we are sorry to see them go. On the other hand we couldn’t be prouder!

Take Constantinos Christoudias for instance. He has been with us for just over 2 years. He was an exceptional assistant and an exceptional student. Little did we know that behind his warm “customer service” exterior smile, beat the heart of a true competitor. Constantinos is both a table tennis player and a coach. Continue reading

Mediazone Student website statistics for the Spring semester – Making its way around the world!

Spring Semester Stats – Fresh from Google!

It is hard to believe that next month our student website will be 2 years old. In that time it has grown from being a basic information site to an incredible tool for all students taking practical courses in the Department of Communications. Not only have we improved, tweaked and tinkered under the hood, but we have added “can’t live without” tools such as all of our operation manuals in pdf – including the hard to find ones. Students are using our handbooks, useful links, booking their cameras and facilities, all from the comfort of their own homes. It truly is a “one stop shopping site”,  a “megamart” of sorts. Or maybe a really cool “Swiss army tool-kit”,  where you can quickly find the right tool, & pretty well everything you need to survive throughout the semester.  Continue reading

Just when you thought it was safe… Film Reviewing for Beginners – Free seminars in Greek!

Αγαπητοί φίλοι,

Θα θἐλαμε να σας προσκαλέσουμε στο πρώτο απο μιά σειρά σεμιναρίων, με τίτλο Κριτική Κινηματογράφου για Αρχάριους, μέσα στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος Knowledge Sharing, που στόχο εχει να δώσει στο κοινό την ευκαιρία να έρθει σε επαφή με θέματα τέχνης και πολιτισμού, διοργανώνοντας εβδομαδιαία  και μηνιαία σεμινάρια σε θέματα πολιτιστικής παραγωγής, από τις εικαστικές τέχνες στην αρχιτεκτονική, θεωρία, μουσική, κινηματογράφο, ποίηση, δημιουργική γραφή, σχεδιασμό κ.α. Continue reading

Class Project – Dub Caravan

COMM 216 Radio Production (section 02)

Class Project

On this clip students from Radio production COMM 216 interview Dub Caravan about his music, influences and future plans.

Felix Russ Abu  aka Dub Caravan is an artist, multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer who creates a multi-dimensional musical landscape for listeners craving something fresh, original and out-of-this-world… He is a multi-instrumentalist music producer who has worked with a variety of people over the last five years, including Nambo Robinson, Haji Mike, Shaky Norman and Hornsman Coyote. In theory, the music of Dub Caravan is not associated with any particular style but it is heavily influenced by the dub and reggae music of the 70’s, world Beat, ambient, chill out,  jazz, punk rock and ethnic music particularly from the Mediterranean, Middle East and Far East.