Recently, we had a conversation in my class about journalism stress during “on air” Radio Broadcast, and because of the discussion we had, I would like to share with you a small ‘tip’.
The lecturer said “When I have “on air” Radio Broadcast, I have my iPad switched on and logged in Twitter and Facebook.” We asked him why we need to check the updates on Facebook and Twitter. The answer we got, shocked us!
If you are a professional and an excellent journalist, then you need to follow politicians, other journalists and entities who you trust that post real and important news on Twitter and Facebook. As a result, with social media such as Facebook and Twitter, news travels faster and stays current.
Photo credit: Reply – Retweet- FavoriteTwitter launches promoted Tweets at Ad Age Digital Next via photopin (license)
To conclude, the secret of becoming and being a successful journalist, is to have a Twitter and a Facebook account and have a list of important people you are following that will help you to become current, and stay current. One last thing that I would like to share with you is that in other European countries employers in this field could easily ask you how many followers and friends you have on Twitter and Facebook, it is very common place.
So don’t lose any time! Start finding members that will help you in your future!!
Agathi Klonari – Mediazone Tv & Audio Lab Assistant